07904 523560

Off Road Lesson - Individual
1 Hour
5 Hour
Off Road Sessions – Group Bookings (1 hour session)
Minimum of 4 drivers:
£24 per person
Go Direct has a secure off road facility which, allows pupils from 14 years of age to experience driving a car in a controlled environment, away from other road traffic with an experienced driving instructor.
No license is required to take off road driving lessons.
We cater for many different types of pupils at our site.
Pupils from 14 years who have a keen interest in cars that perfect gift experience.
Pupils coming up to 17 who what to get head start gaining control of a car before going on to the road.
Pupils who are nervous of starting to drive and want to gain some experience in a controlled environment.
We can cater for individuals and clubs and parties as required best to book ahead for this service as if the off road driving lessons are very popular.